Some times you need to find out the file version in oracle application for some TAR or for some development work. You can use SQL command to find out file version, package version or you can use OS commands to find out the version.
Use following SQL command to find out file version, patch number.
SELECT af.app_short_name "Application", af.filename "File Name",
afv.VERSION "File Version",
NVL (aap.patch_name, 'Default Installation') "Patch Number",
'$' || fa.basepath || '/' || af.subdir "Location"
FROM apps.ad_files af,
apps.ad_patch_run_bug_actions apa,
apps.ad_patch_run_bugs aprb,
apps.ad_patch_runs apr,
apps.ad_patch_drivers apd,
apps.ad_applied_patches aap,
apps.ad_file_versions afv,
apps.fnd_application fa
WHERE af.filename = 'IGSEN010.fmb'
AND af.file_id = apa.file_id(+)
AND apa.common_action_id(+) = 4042
AND apa.patch_run_bug_id = aprb.patch_run_bug_id(+)
AND aprb.patch_run_id = apr.patch_run_id(+)
AND apr.patch_driver_id = apd.patch_driver_id(+)
AND apd.applied_patch_id = aap.applied_patch_id(+)
AND af.file_id = afv.file_id
AND af.app_short_name = fa.application_short_name
GROUP BY aap.patch_name,
At OS level go to $Product_TOP
$ident IGSEN010.fmx | grep IGSEN010.fmb | grep Header
$Header: IGSEN010.fmb 115.24 2003/10/06 06:32 svanukur ship
If you know DB object name you can use following SQL Statement to find out Package,Procedure or Function version.
select text from dba_source where name='FND_OAM_DSCRAM_DMLS_PKG' and line=2